Not in School today?


Early Arrivals

No students should be at school prior to 8.20am. Before this time teachers are preparing for the school day and are not available to provide safe and proper supervision of students.

Students who arrive before 8.20am will be reminded that they are too early and a letter will be sent to their parents urging them to ensure the arrival time is consistent with school policy. Students will be asked to sit near the Deputy Principal’s Office until 8.20am.

Consideration will be given to altering the above policy in the event of an emergency or unforeseen family situation, provided agreement has been reached between the parent and a member of the school teaching or administration team.

Late to School

Lessons commence at 8.42am in secondary and 8.50am in primary. Students need to be in class by that time.

Students who are late for any reason must go through the Front Office and collect a Late Pass when they arrive. This pass is handed to the class teacher by the student on arrival at class.

Leaving the School during School Hours

Students who leave the school during normal school hours must have a note from a parent or guardian and they must leave through the Front Office where they are signed out. They should also notify the staff at the office upon their return to school.

Attendance / Absences

To assist in recording students attendance, it is necessary for the school to be notified if your child is absent from school or has a planned absence in the near future. Notification can be made in person prior to 9:15am, by telephone (9782 7000), letter, SMS (0417 932 820), email (, Dojo.

Absences are recorded on a data base through which SMS messages will be automatically sent to your mobile phone to let you know that your child is not a school. These messages will be generated twice a day. Parents will not receive a message if the school has been advised of the absence.

A note will be sent home requesting an explanation if there has been none.

Application for exemption from school must be made on the appropriate form obtainable from the Front Office.

Under the provision of the Education Act, daily attendance of students is compulsory until the end of Year 12 unless they are in paid employment or training by a registered provider.

Students who have frequent or prolonged absences are monitored and reported to the District Attendance Officer.