School Dress Requirements
Our Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 between 10am and 12pm.
The wearing of the school uniform is supported strongly by the community and is a symbol of pride in the school. There is an expectation that all students will comply with the dress requirements. Uniforms can be purchased from the P & C Association Uniform Shop. Placing your order at the start of each season will help the P & C with bulk purchasing. Some recycled “pre-loved” clothes are also available from the P & C.
The Uniform Shop is run by volunteers and is usually open once a week from 8.30 am to 9.00 am. Please check with our Front Office to find out which day the uniform shop is open. If you are unable to attend during these times, please complete an order form (see below) and submit it to the Front Office. The order will be filled at the next opportunity.
If you wish to assist in the uniform shop, please see the P&C Committee.
Shirts: Primary students’ shirts and jackets are bottle green with a black stripe down the side. Secondary students’ shirts and jackets are black with a bottle green stripe down the side. Uniforms are available at our Uniform Shop.
Hats:As a Sun Smart school, hats are compulsory in Term One and Term Four. Students and staff are encouraged to wear hats/caps but these must be removed whilst in school buildings. Headwear must be either our school hat or a plain black and should NOT contain promotional material or inappropriate labelling.
Students then have a choice of:
- Black, full length plain trousers – NOT denim
- Black, microfibre plain long pants
- Black, microfibre shorts with white crest/black shorts/airflow shorts. Shorts should be at modest/adequate length
- Black or bottle green jumper windcheater/cardigan
- Black box pleat skirt/black skirts at modest length
- Enclosed shoes, low healed footwear – sturdy sports, joggers, boots or flats. NO slip-on’s, thongs, reef sandals, masseur sandals, crocs or Ugg boots are to be worn. Students should not attend school with bare feet.
Special Uniforms
(Eg: tours, bush rangers and country week) These uniforms can be worn in school time where appropriate.
Bush Ranger Uniform: Secondary students are encouraged to wear their Bush Rangers shirt on the day they have Bush Rangers, as well as when they have excursions.
Faction Shirts: Primary students are encouraged to wear their sports uniform on days they have Physical Education. Failure to wear appropriate school uniform consistently can result in a child missing reward excursions and/or not participating in interschool events.
Unless otherwise stated, students will be expected to wear full school uniform on excursions.
Physical Education
Black unisex shorts with logo, black airflow shorts, black sports skirt or plain black tracksuit pants with their Faction (red, blue, green) unisex shirt. Appropriate footwear (e.g. sports shoes), hats and SPF sunscreen (if outside) must be worn during all physical education sessions.
Primary students can wear the sports uniform on days when their teacher has planned a physical education or sports program. Failure to wear appropriate school uniform consistently can result in a child missing reward excursions and/or not participating in interschool events. (i.e. Carnivals etc).
Make-up, Jewellery and Body Adornments: Make-up, jewellery and body adornments must be minimal, unobtrusive and safe. Earrings should be kept to sleepers or studs. If, in the opinion of the school administration, students do not adhere to these guidelines, they will be required to make the necessary changes to confirm to this policy.
WDHS Uniform Shop order form 2023