Positive Behaviour School
Instead of telling people what we DON’T want, tell them and show them what we DO want!
Many scientific and educational studies tell us that positive statements have a much greater impact on learning across all skills and subjects. Positive Behaviour Support is an internationally recognised framework that helps schools identify the culture they would like to see in their classrooms, playgrounds and staffrooms. The PBS framework allows schools to develop systems that promote, reinforce and recognise positive behaviours to build the culture they want. Behaviour can be taught and learned through explicit teaching and modelling. By clearly stating the behaviours we DO want to see, we can teach, recognise and modify every student and staff member’s approach to life at Waroona District High School.
Waroona C.A.R.E.S. matrix.
This matrix represents our school’s Values, where staff and students are:
Across the whole school, you will hear teachers and learners of every age using the same positive language and identifying the same priorities so that we can all participate in the school and wider community as successful and respectful people.